Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024
get a personal loan

Depending on its own criteria, a bank is therefore able to grant a personal loan without the borrower being on a permanent contract. What it is looking for is above all elements that will provide financial guarantees as to the borrower’s ability to repay his credit without him exercising a profession with a contract of indefinite duration. Without a permanent contract, it is advisable to borrow personal credit over a short or medium term to increase your chances of having an agreement.

To be lent money without a permanent contract and being on a temporary basis, you must justify at least two years of continuous professional activity and without a period of unemployment . By being a temporary worker for 2 years and without interruption, the banks will consider you as an employee on a permanent contract. If you have the means to repay the loan you are requesting, you should easily obtain a financing agreement from a lender.

How to borrow a personal loan with a CDD or an interim contract?

If you plan to apply for a personal loan while being on a fixed-term contract or a temporary worker, the most important thing is to be able to demonstrate to the bank that your income is recurring and that you have been in business for several years and without long interruptions. . The total amount of your project to be financed must also be proportional to your financial capacities.

Your advisor will also attach real importance to the management of your accounts. They will testify to your ability to rigorously manage your money. Without a CDI, the ideal is therefore to take care of your bank accounts and your budget to support your profile in a positive way and present a solid file. An organization will not grant your personal loan if it realizes that you are often overdrawn with regular payment incidents.

Being on a fixed-term or temporary contract is something common since these employment contracts are very widespread in France. Banks therefore have personalized acceptance criteria to successfully finance consumer credit applications from people who are not on permanent contracts.

Borrower insurance:

Already, personal loan insurance may be required to cover the repayment of the capital borrowed in the event of the death or disability of the borrower. If it is optional, the subscription of insurance may nevertheless be required for the bank to give its credit agreement.

Mortgage and pledge:

You can always negotiate by offering the advisor to put a car as collateral, for example. The estimated resale value will allow the bank to cover the amount borrowed in the event of inability to repay the loan.

If you own a property that has been fully paid off, you can also consider using it as collateral for a personal mortgage loan .

The personal contribution:

The payment of a contribution remains an excellent lever to obtain credit without a CDI. If you plan to borrow money to finance a vehicle that costs €5,000, you can for example use your savings to pay €2,000 out of pocket and only borrow €3,000. The presence of a contribution and a savings will be beneficial for your personal loan file.

Any other financial guarantee that supports your file is a plus if you do not have a permanent contract: savings, real estate assets, etc.

Whatever your project to be financed, the Quick and easy credit easiest way to obtain a loan without a fixed job or on a fixed-term contract is to make an online request to quickly check your eligibility for obtaining a personal loan . Don’t waste time shopping around for bank branches. With a broker such as Solutis, your procedures are simpler because your need for financing will be sent to several partner banking establishments at the same time.

After an online request, you will receive a result by email to guide you towards an appropriate solution for your professional and personal situations. Be sure to send your documents quickly so that your borrowing capacity can be studied. By presenting a complete file, you will have a faster feasibility response.

With our online comparator, you can also compare the conditions and criteria of our banking partners and choose the financing offer with the best interest rate and suitable monthly payments. Before signing a contract, check both the nominal rate, the insurance rate and the annual percentage rate (TEAG) to know precisely the cost of the operation.

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